March 9th, 2025
Reading Between the Lies - Week 2

There’s a lot of things we believe simply because we’ve been given information that sounds right to us, but we’ve never proven it ourselves, so we just go along with what seems right or seemingly true.

Unfortunately and more importantly, there are some Myths that people believe that they think are in the Bible or that God said.

1.) God moves in mysterious ways
2.) God helps those who help themselves

So let’s look at some Myths that have crept into the church.

1.) That God wants you to be Happy
2.) God will never give you more than you can handle

Key Thought: God will never give you more than you can handle.

"I just can't take anymore of this." How many had this scenario?

The Gospel reminds us that while our problems do not magically disappear because we have become followers of Christ, we are promised that in those sufferings we are not alone!

Question: This Myth of, “not getting more than we can handle,” comes from a misquote of 1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV where Paul was talking to the Corinthians about Temptation.

  • Gideon
  • Moses
  • Esther
  • David: Psalm 38:4,8 NIV

There are at least two reasons why God will occasionally allow you to have more than you can handle.

I. There are times that he wants to teach us to depend on His Presence.
It's amazing when life gets difficult how suddenly you're drawn to the presence of God!

A. Jonah
Jonah 2:2,7 NIV

I came to tell somebody this: Never let the Presence of a storm cause you to doubt the Presence of God.

Question: Why would God allow you to experience more than you can handle? 

Psalm 145:18 NIV

II. There are times when He wants you to experience His Power.

We've been programmed to believe the lie that God will never give you more than you can handle. If he won't give you more than you can handle, then you have to hold on and you have to have the strength and you have to have the power.

That's simply not true, because you were not created to have all the power to do it yourself. You were created to need God, to be desperate for him. When you finally recognize that he didn't expect you to handle everything, that’s when you experience HIS Power.

Question: How many remember hearing about Paul’s thorn in his flesh?

There will come a time, I promise you, if you walk with God long enough and live in this sin-filled world long enough, when you're going to find your own thorn that just doesn't go away and you're going to ask God, "Why don't you remove this?”

2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV

I have learned to put the sail up and let the wind of spirit bring movement, because instead of trying to do it myself, I serve a God that when I cannot get it done, he gets it done through me. For when I am weak, then He is strong.

Why would God allow you to have more than you can handle? Maybe it's because he wants to draw you close and to reveal his presence to you, and maybe he wants to give you his supernatural power because his power is made perfect in your weakness.